Monday, September 30, 2019

Peace-Building and Community Development in Uganda Essay

Community development is a multi-faceted activity that has different ends. It also has different requirements depending on the needs of people inside the community. Development can be achieved through sustaining small and medium businesses, ensuring education for all, managing inclusion and diversity, keeping peace and order, and creating comprehensive disaster management. Through these, a community like Uganda can be sustainable. In Uganda, the dehumanizing aspects of slavery in the South and racial discrimination in the North are more than just the beatings, but also the parting of children from their mothers, the denial of education, and the sexual abuses of slave masters (Davis, 2004). The civilization that developed in Uganda reflected the variety and contrasts found on the continent. The peoples of Uganda differ greatly in language, customs, and appearance. The geography of this huge continent also shows sharp contrasts. Along the Nile River, which flows from the tropical forests of Central Uganda through the deserts of the north, several early civilizations developed. One of the most influential regions was Sahara. Sahara’s political, economic, and cultural influence had an effect on the history of other kingdoms. Later, empires based on trade grew up in the region of Sahara (Davis, 2004). Patterns of settlement and trade were influenced by the varied climates and natural sources of the Uganda continent. The hottest and wettest regions of the continent are near the equator, in the basin of the Congo River. Heavy rainfall and warm humid air encourage the growth of lush rain forest. Near the edge of the rainforest is the savanna, an open grassland dotted with shrubs and scattered clumps of trees. The savannas provide land for farming and herding. These grasslands are also home of Uganda great herds of wild animals, gazelles, giraffes, wildebeests, zebras, lions, and elephants (Davis, 2004). Racism in Uganda has been associated with reduced spirits, lower efficiency and a greater probability to experience terrible stress and nonappearance in the major activities in a community. People who go through racism speak of having feeling of timidity or letdown and lowered levels of self-esteem. Minorities who sense that their identity and culture are not cherished may also live through lowered levels of self-confidence and self-respect and think that they have are not welcome in a neighborhood or community. This mindset may bring about a feeling of denunciation of their own values, language, and ultimately their culture, and an ensuing loss of individuality (Hooks, 1994). In Uganda, the ways of thinking of people concerning cultural miscellany of their communes differ extensively. Amongst a number of minorities, there is a devotion to a deepened insight into cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Some â€Å"mainstream† people are anxious about variations and sense antipathy towards people of color. If the person of color is suffering discrimination of any sort, he or she may feel forlorn and miserable. He or she may also attempt to evade incidents where racist activities could happen, and pretend to be unwell or be anxious of deserting their homes (Kressel, 2001). In some nations, significant segments of the population reject coexistence with minorities in equal terms. These minorities have faced discrimination in such areas as housing, education, and employment. Although no scientific proof supports racist claims, racism is widespread and has caused major problems throughout the world. Racism is most often used to justify the creation of political or economic systems that encourage or maintain the domination of one racial group over another. Such beliefs were long used to rationalize the enslavement and persecution of people viewed as inferior (Stoessinger, 2002). Throughout history there have been persecutions and atrocities that can be described as cases of genocide. The Russian pogroms (persecutions of the Jews) during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s were an example of genocide. During World War II, the Germans practiced genocide. They killed about six million European Jews. Victims of the Holocaust went through dehumanization simply to make the killing of others psychologically easy for the Nazis. Many victims of the Holocaust suffered from various experiments which eventually led to the death. Some of the experiments were things such as: sun lamp, internal irrigation, hot bath, warming by body heat, hypothermia, among others (Clemens and Purcell, 1999). In recent years a debate has raged over the question of whether opportunities for black economic advancement are more affected by race or class position. Sociologist William Wilson believes that racial discrimination has become less important than social class in influencing the life chances of black Americans (Hinkle, 2004). He says that civil rights legislation and affirmative action programs have substantially lifted the cap historically imposed on black social mobility by segregation, resulting in greater educational, income, and occupational differentiation: Blacks with good educational backgrounds and job skills rapidly moved into the American middle class; blacks with limited educations and job skills became the victims of dehumanization and welfare dependency. Now poor urban blacks find themselves relegated to all-black neighborhoods where they are further dehumanized and socially isolated from mainstream American life (Zanden, 1993). According to Maiese (2003), the United Nations defined peace-building as an interplay of â€Å"capacity building, reconciliation, and societal transformation†. For other organizations, the short-term goals are more evident; peace-building revolves around promoting peace in an immediate situation. The United Nations drew up an international convention in 1948 that made genocide a crime. On Dec. 9, 1948, the United Nations passed the Genocide Convention, which was designed to overcome the claims of Nuremberg defendants that they had violated no law. The convention made genocide a crime. The next day, the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Fifty years later, in 1998, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda became the first international court to pass a guilty verdict for the crime of genocide. The verdict related to crimes committed during the 1994 conflict in Rwanda (Kim, 2004). In 1999, there was already a convention, called the Geneva Spiritual Appeal, which made history in collecting in one venue the Catholics, the Jewish, the Buddhists, the Muslims, the Protestants, and the Orthodox Christians. Then again, there remain Christians, Animists, & Muslims in conflict in Nigeria; Christian-Muslim discord still abounds some parts in Asia as Indonesia and the Philippines; Buddhists and the minority population of the Hindus Tamils are at odds in Sri Lanka; and incredibly, Animists and Witches are cursing each other in Uganda (Reich, 1998). Sometimes, it is appropriate to entitle these conflicts nationalist ones, because they impact on the endeavors to build nation-states, in which the majority gets the state. More like the winning territory takes over or designs the administration. Defining such a nation is typically by linguistic or religious yardsticks. Hence, we have the Ugandans in the continent of Africa singled out as the inferiors by tongue and by faith, and Germans differ from the French by their verbal and non-verbal communication (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). Perhaps there’s a tendency of people growing to be defensive about their identity if they sense that it is under cordon. There is really not a single ultimate peace resolution plan that can referee the unrest. Attempts had been made like the 1999 Convention but the conflict is not exclusively attributable to spiritual diversity alone. It may be distributed among ethnic feuds, religion-based worldviews, economic modifications, and political coalitions, among several others (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). On having the United Nations’ enforcement of globalized paradigms, they would need to try harder. Peculiarities factor in on the extent of their reception. If the country’s fragile, they are more likely to get involved. If the country’s sturdy, they are more likely to lag behind and perform diplomatically around the edges. The key is not to establish globalized benchmarks but to develop local, internal avowals (Stoessinger, 2002). They said there is only one Bible and a million interpretations. But there is a single quotation in it that speaks of harmony: a house divided against itself cannot stand. Proclaiming a house partitioned to be a condominium cannot be expected to work out when many of the occupiers want instead to demolish the edifice entirely and put up their own, unattached houses. Speaking of houses, local religious sects could construct and ring a Peace Bell at the beginning and end of their spiritual observation. Ugandan victims could ask their municipality to formally declare their observance of the day (Kim, 2004). It would also be certainly wise for any intercontinental organizations to use workforce from countries that went through related experiences, rather then using the abstract approach brought by peacekeeping squads from Western nations to intervene in Uganda. One specific strategy possibly is to have this staff encourage the people inviting other faith traditions to join them in a prayer service for peace in Uganda (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). International treaties should make it easier for local organizations to get concerned in the region of Uganda where genocide is concentrated without misplacing valuable time as they wait for the pronouncement of the United Nations Security Council, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, or the Organization of African Unity (Reich, 1998). But it should always be made a point that the auxiliary time is spent on deepening interfaith commitments to dialogue and cooperation for promoting peace. In the 1990s, Jewish groups pressured those who had profited from the Holocaust to compensate Holocaust victims or their descendants. Groups that paid reparations included the German government, certain Swiss banks, and some German companies (Clemens and Purcell, 1999). In the country Uganda, Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager played the hero in the lives of thousands having different cultural backgrounds. In the middle of European colonization in Rwanda, Paul made an uncompromising initiative to communicate with the most relevant redeemers from the camp of Brussels’ headquarters. This way, he succeeded in playing the peacekeeper among the threatened people he hid in their hotel (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). The United Nations also played an indispensable role in Uganda. Led by Col. Oliver, the organization gets to know what is actually happening but not to make contingent actions and resolutions to put a stop to genocidal cases that mete out Rwanda. He stood the middleman between the U. N. superiors and the people under the wings of Paul Rusesabagina (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). However, it was also evident that the situation could have gone smarter if the likes of Paul Rusesabagina and Col. Oliver were given ample attention or at the very least, not ignored. Apart from the United Nations, a multitude of support and private-owned groups advocate against dehumanization and as such, campaign for a zero-dehumanized world and for a healing process to start with (Stoessinger, 2002). For instance, Interact Worldwide is an advocacy-driven virtual institution with the purpose of building support for and implement programmes, which enable marginalized people to fulfill their rights to sexual and reproductive health. Redefining Progress works with a broad array of partners to shift the economy and public policy towards sustainability; that they can measure the real state of a country’s economy, our environment, and social justice with tools like the genuine progress indicator and the ecological footprint; that they design policies to shift behavior in these three domains towards sustainability; and that they promote and create new frameworks to replace the ones that are taking us away from long-term social, economic, and environmental health. Other popular organizations include The Family Alliance to Stop Abuse and Neglect, National Down Syndrome Congress, Resources for Children of Holocaust Survivors, Amnesty International, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch, Reebok Human Rights, among many others (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). Prejudice provides for the safe release of hostile and aggressive impulses that are culturally tabooed within other social contexts. By channeling hostilities from within family, occupational, and other crucial settings onto permissible targets, the stability of existing social structures may be promoted. This is the well-known scapegoating mechanism, another common method to dehumanize (Zanden, 1993). In Uganda, scapegoating resulted in the inhuman treatment of Ugandan tribes like Tutsi. Bound by his duty-based ethics, Paul Rusesabagina could be pictured having utter, intrinsic moral commitments to some external source to carry out certain actions, notwithstanding his particular situation and personal goals (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). The ways of thinking of people concerning cultural miscellany of their communes differ extensively be it in Rwanda or in some other place in the world. Amongst a number of minorities, there is a devotion to a deepened insight into cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Some â€Å"mainstream† people are anxious about variations and sense antipathy towards people of color. If the person of color is suffering discrimination of any sort, he or she may feel forlorn and miserable. But with Paul Rusesabagina around, the people kept safe in Uganda were saved not only from the harm of genocide but from the deadly bias posed against them by the larger society that is morally wrecked and uncharitable (Carter, Gwendolen, and Herz, 1991). An inherent debate has raged over the question of whether opportunities for black economic advancement are more affected by race or class position. Some believe that racial discrimination has become less important than social class in influencing the life chances of Ugandans. Civil rights legislation and affirmative action programs have substantially lifted the cap historically imposed on black social mobility by segregation, resulting in greater educational, income, and occupational differentiation: Blacks with good educational backgrounds and job skills rapidly moved into the middle class; blacks with limited educations and job skills became the victims of dehumanization and welfare dependency. Now poor urban blacks find themselves relegated to all-black neighborhoods where they are further dehumanized and socially isolated from mainstream Ugandan life (Hooks, 1994). The risk is that when chauvinistic behaviors and attitudes are allowed to go unimpeded in any environment, a climate cultivates which sees these incidents as natural and so permits racism to become deep-rooted. Whereas not many complaints are collected every year, this should not be compared to a low frequency of racist incidence. Inadequate understanding of legislation, fear or apprehension on the part of victimized minorities to disclose racist activities or disinclination by parents to engage in legal amends are factors that may thwart the conveyance of official complaints. As well, formal treatments for grievances of racism are not constantly suitable, with arbitration usually being considered as a preferable substitute (Kim, 2004). Racism has been a steady problem in Uganda all through time. Other forms of racism are, perhaps, less obvious. The hierarchical structure, academic elitism, and the whole way of life of mainstream society are directly opposed to cultural values and world views. How all this conflict is experienced by people of color can only be explained adequately by the citizens of the society themselves; it will be different depending on their past experience and even non-existent for others, but the suppression of the values and way of life of the mainstream society will adversely affect everyone because racism against these people of color eats at the hearts of the dominating as well as the dominated people (Hinkle, 2004). Peace-building can concentrate on resolving current issues between constituents. It involves moderating by authorities or other members of the community to maintain understanding between parties. On the other hand, it is also creating a society where the constituents are educated and transformed so that they do not only know peace but also lives peace. In these terms, education plays an integral role. This creates a community which is not only dependent on intermediaries but with self-regulation of peace as well. In the end, a community filled with peace-loving citizens is a community where peace has been built (Stoessinger, 2002). Personally, if I were a member of a certain low-income urban neighborhood similar in nature in Uganda, I would offer my full knowledge of the end and the means to achieve it. As part of the will for a â€Å"sense of community,† I will take the initiative to conform to shared leadership or become servant leaders. After all, a leader providing positive reinforcement is a leader creating a positive climate and peace-loving attitude all over a community. So long as there will be provision of opportunities that allow me to exercise responsibility and creativity in our common endeavor, my active participation would include extensive information dissemination, be it online or via available physical infrastructures, and active civic participation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

To What Extent do Western Concepts of Ill-Health Limit Policies and Projects Aimed at Improving the Health of Those in the Developing World

Executive Summary Current health policies on malnutrition and HIV infection are focused in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations. Specifically, these goals include reduction of malnutrition incidence since 1990 by 50% and reversal in the trend of HIV epidemic by 2015. This essay aims to critically analyse these two policies in achieving their respective aims and objectives and the factors that contribute to the success of these policies. A brief discussion on the Western concepts of ill-health and how these relate to the concepts of ill-health in developing countries is also made. Results of the analysis show that engaging communities and allowing them to take ownership of strategies to prevent malnutrition is effective in reducing incidence of malnutrition. The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) campaign illustrates how developing countries could positively respond to healthcare policies introduced by developed countries. However, not all developing countries are nearing or have achieved the 50% reduction in malnutrition incidence. Lack of community involvement has been shown to affect the progress of the SUN campaign. The same principle of community-based interventions is also used on the policy for HIV infection. Success rate for HIV policy is high with millions of affected individuals accessing healthcare services compared to only 400,000 in 2004. This would show that policies to increase treatment have succeeded. However, prevention of HIV infection remains challenging. Analysis would show that engaging in risky sexual behaviour is a critical factor in developing HIV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa. Changing the behaviour of a target population is established to be difficult. While community-based interventions and participation have contributed to the success of these policies, analysis would reveal that there is a need to increase the technical competencies of the stakeholders in the communities. This would ensure sustainability of programmes long after external aid has stopped. The differences in the concepts of ill-health also appear to influence the success of policies in developing nations. It is also argued that achieving all the aims and objectives of the policies might not necessarily solve the problem of malnutrition and HIV infection. Both conditions have multiple underlying causes and addressing all these would take considerable time and effort. In conclusion, policies have made great strides in improving nutrition of children and mothers and decreasing the incidence of HIV infection. Concerted effort from various stakeholders is still needed to make changes sustainable. Introduction The main aim of this brief is to critically analyse the policies, ‘Reducing Hunger and Malnutrition in Developing Countries’ (Department for International Development, 2013) and the global policy on HIV/AIDS Epidemic (KFF, 2013). Both healthcare policies are designed to improve the health and well-being of mothers and young children and those suffering from HIV/AIDS in developing countries. The first part describes these two policies while the second part discusses the Western concepts of ill health and how these limit policies and projects aimed at developing countries. The third part provides a theoretical assessment of the policies. A discussion on the underlying assumptions and views of healthcare in terms of belief structures and philosophy will be included. The fourth part presents the practical problems with implementation. Finally, a conclusion will summarise the main points raised in this essay. Recommendations will also be made at the end of this brief. Policies on Malnutrition and HIV/AIDS The ‘Reducing Hunger and Malnutrition in Developing Countries’ (Department for International Development, 2013) aims to help individuals gain access to nutritious diet, ensure that food is distributed fairly across the world and mitigate environmental risks and damages that could influence food production. In line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the policy has set out several objectives that should be achieved by 2015. This includes reducing malnutrition since 1990 by 50%. Meanwhile, the ‘Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic’ policy (KFF, 2013) aims to stop and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. This is consistent with the United Nation’s MDGs that by 2015, the HIV/AID epidemic will be controlled and incidence will decline. It is estimated that a total of 18.9 billion USD have funded HIV/AIDs preventive and treatment programmes in 2012 (KFF/UNAIDS, 2013). Although there is a global decrease in the trend of this epidemic, incidence of HIV/AIDS is still high in middle and low-income countries (UNAIDS, 2013). Most of those suffering from this health condition do not have access to healthcare services, treatment and management (UNAIDS, 2013). Importantly women and young girls are more susceptible of the infection compared to men (British HIV Association, 2012). Of the 35 million individuals believed to be suffering from the condition, 3.3 million of these are children (UNAIDS, 2013). Majority (71%) of persons living with HIV/AIDS reside in Sub-Saharan Africa (Health Protection Agency, 2012). The objectives of this policy include decreasing HIV prevalence amongst the young population aged 15-24 years; increase condom use especially in high-risk sex; increase the proportion of young people with correct knowledge on HIV/AIDs infection; and increase the proportion of individuals with advanced stages of the disease gain access to antiretroviral medications. Western Concept of Ill-Health Western concepts of ill-health could limit the policies on malnutrition and HIV/AIDS when introduced in developing nations. First, definitions of ‘ill-health’ could vary between Western and developing countries. There is variation in how ill-health is perceived even amongst professional, academic and the public (Wikman et al., 2005). Ill-health is also viewed differently across disciplines. For instance, the medical model of health has been accepted for several years in Western healthcare in the past (Wikman et al., 2005). This model states that ill-health is caused by pathogenic microorganisms or underlying pathologies (Dutta, 2008). However, even this concept has changed within healthcare systems. Today, many healthcare professionals have recognised that ill-health is not only caused by pathogenic organisms but social determinants of health such as poor nutrition, unemployment or stress could all influence ill-health (Dutta, 2008). Wikman et al. (2005) acknowledges tha t ill-health could be understood by using a multi-perspective approach. Concepts of ill-health are also considered as historically and culturally specific (Blas and Kurup, 2010). This means that ill-health varies across culture and time. For instance, in Western culture, obesity is considered as ill-health (Blas and Kurup, 2010). In other countries, obesity is viewed as socially acceptable since this is a sign of wealth. In Western culture, findings of scientific publications are used to underpin health policies against HIV (Bogart et al., 2011). Use of condoms to protect against HIV infection is viewed as acceptable. In some African countries, use of condoms is seen to reduce one’s masculinity (Willis, 2003; MacPhail and Campbell, 2001). Importantly, anal sex in some of these countries is practised to avoid pregnancy or viewed as a cleansing method against the virus for HIV/AIDS (Bogart and Bird, 2003). Hence, these differences in the concept of ill-health could influence the uptake of global health policies in developing nations. To illustrate t his argument, the policies on malnutrition and HIV/AIDS will be critiqued. A discussion how western concepts of ill health influence the uptake of these policies in the developing countries would also be done. Analysis and Discussion Attention on acute and chronic malnutrition is unprecedented in recent years (Shoham et al., 2013). The involvement of the UK, through its policy for malnutrition and hunger, with other countries in the scaling up nutrition (SUN) campaign has brought significant changes on the lives of children who are malnourished. The policy on malnutrition is underpinned by the philosophy on health equity and social determinants of health (Ezzati et al., 2003). Western concepts of ill-health focus on the social determinants of ill-health as a factor in promoting malnutrition in developing countries. For example, unemployment of parents, low levels of education, early years, poverty, homelessness are some social determinants of health strongly suggested to promote malnutrition amongst children (Marmot and Wilkinson, 2005). Uptake of policies for malnutrition in developing countries might be limited if these determinants are not properly addressed. Farmer (2003) explains that cultural beliefs on foo d, poor knowledge on the nutritional value of food and food production practices have long contributed to malnutrition in many countries. Policies on malnutrition might no be effective if these do not address the root causes of malnutrition, which are poverty, poor knowledge on food nutrition and poor farming practices (Farmer, 2003). Power structure also plays a role in how policies are implemented. Farmer (2003) stresses that unless the poor are empowered and their rights protected would true development occur. In recent years, there have been improvements in the lives of the poor, specifically on nutrition status. Marmot and Wilkinson (2005) emphasise that presence of poverty and unemployment could all influence health. However, there is evidence that in some developing countries, malnutrition policies have gained success. An analysis would show that involvement of the community plays a crucial role in ensuring success of these policies. For example, Shoham et al. (2013) report that the community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach contributed to its success in some 65 developing countries across the world. Communities are mobilised and they gain ownership of the programme. Individuals help in detecting uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and refer children to established out-patient centres. Complicated cases are referred as in-patients in the health sector staff. While the UNICEF (Nabarro, 2013) reported that 10% of the 20 million suspected cases of SAM have been treated through the scaling up nutrition campaign, other target countries have not kept up with the campaign. Policies that have gained acceptance in developing countries are those that empower communities to take actions for their own health. Empowering women through education has been shown to lead to more positive changes in the health of children ages 5 years old and below (Farmer, 2003). Policies that increase the educational levels of women were shown to reduce erroneous perceptions on the causes of malnutrition (Wikman et al., 2005). Shoham et al. (2013) observe that failure to implement the CMAM approach and educating women on malnutrition limits the success of malnutrition policies in communities. A number of studies (Bhutta, 2013; Black et al., 2013; Pinstrup-Andersen, 2013; Nabarro, 2013; Loevinsohn and Harding, 2005) have shown the effectiveness of engaging communities and empowering them to improve the nutritional status of women and children. While factors such as engaging communities and allowing them to take ownership of programmes have been shown to promote uptake of policies, there are still factors that limit policy uptake. These include failure to address the social determinants of health such as poverty, low levels of education, poor support of the children during early life years and unemployment (Loevinsohn and Harding, 2005). It has been shown that when these factors are present, malnutrition is also high (Pinstrup-Andersen, 2013). There is also a need to understand the perceptions of women and children on food and nutrition to better understand why malnutrition continue to exist in a number of developing countries. Meanwhile, the policy on HIV/AIDS also promote health by engaging communities in implementing projects aimed at preventing HIV transmission (KFF, 2013; British HIV Infection, 2012; Department for International Development, 2013). To date, HIV infection epidemic has stabilised and the number of individuals receiving treatment has increased to 9.7 million in 2012 (UNAIDS, 2013). In contrast, only 400,000 individuals with advanced HIV infection receive treatment in 2004. A closer analysis of the cause of HIV infection would still point to risky behaviours of those engaging in unprotected sex and injecting drug users as factors that promote HIV infection (KFF/UNAIDS, 2013). This is a cause of concern since there is still the prevailing cultural belief in a number of African countries that use of condom is unmanly (Willis, 2003; MacPhail and Campbell, 2001). Connolly et al. (2004) argue that changing behaviour of the target population is most difficult. Consequences of HIV infection extend to unborn children of mother infected with HIV (UNAIDS, 2013). To date, there have been various interventions to prevent HIV infection. These include behaviour changes, increase in HIV screening, male circumcision, use of condoms, harm reduction amongst in injecting drug users and blood supply safety (UNAIDS, 2013). Amongst these strategies, changing behaviour remains to be an important intervention that could prevent further spread of the virus. Experts suggest that risky sexual behaviour could only be changed through the use of different health models. For example, the health belief model could be used to inform the target population on the risk of HIV (Health Protection Agency, 2012). In addition, facilitators to behaviour change, such as decreasing stigma on HIV infection, increasing access to healthcare services could help individuals adopt less r isky sexual behaviour (Greeff et al., 2008). Patients with HIV often perceive stigma from their own healthcare workers (Kohi et al., 2006; Holzemer and Uys, 2004). This could impact not only the quality of care received by those with HIV infection but might also limit them from gaining further medical treatment. On the other hand, reducing malnutrition by 50% since 1990 has not been achieved in most countries yet (UNICEF, 2014). This is important since the United Nations aims to achieve this target by next year. Food production is continuously affected by stronger typhoons and turbulent weather patterns (KFF, 2013). Droughts appear to be longer, affecting agriculture and livestock production (KFF, 2013). Specifically, the UNICEF (2014) acknowledges that the most vulnerable groups to increasing weather disturbance brought by climate change are the poor people. This is especially challenging in the light of the MDGs since decreases in food production in developing countries could further have an impact on the nutritional status of the women and children (Bryce et al., 2008; Taylor et al., 2013). Climate change has important implications on policies for malnutrition. Even if community-based initiatives are strongly in place and individuals have learned to produce their own food, changes in weat her patterns could impact agriculture activities. The UNICEF (2014) has highlighted this issue and using current experiences, community rehabilitation after a typhoon or drought would mean increased challenges in addressing malnutrition amongst the poorest of the poor. Even if all objective are achieved, there is no full guarantee that malnutrition will be completely eradicated in developing nations. To date, there are best practices (SUN, 2013) showing that community involvement and partnership with government and non-government organisations could arrest severe acute and chronic malnutrition. A number of developing countries, especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa are still struggling with malnutrition despite external aid. The same observation is also made in this region on HIV infection where the poorest amongst the poor remain to be most vulnerable to the infection (SUN, 2013). Hence, it would be necessary to investigate the real cause of malnutrition and HIV infection in developing countries. There are multiple underlying causes of malnutrition and all interact to increase the risk of children for malnutrition. First, poverty has been highlighted earlier in this essay as an important factor for development of malnutrition (Horton and Lo, 2013). This essay also argues that maternal level of education is a significant factor in the nutrition of children (Black et al., 2013). The World Health Organization (2011) acknowledges that children born to mothers with at least a high school education enjoy better health compared to children with mothers who have lower educational levels. This observation is consistent across literature (UNICEF, 2014; Black et al, 2013) and illustrates the importance of increasing the education level of mothers. In Sub-Saharan countries that often experience conflicts, malnutrition is often caused by displacement of families and children from their homes and livelihood to evacuation centres with minimal food support (UNICEF, 2014). Apart from conflicts, recent effects of climate change have also changed the way developed countries respond to problems of food security (Taylor et al., 2013). As shown in the UK policy for hunger and malnutrition, funds are also directed to innovations and research on how to respond to environmental damages caused by climate change (UNICEF, 2014). It should be noted that changes in weather patterns, flooding and drought could have a great impact on food security and sustainability (Department for International Development, 2013). In comparison with the policy on HIV infection, the policy on hunger and malnutrition would have a greater impact on the health of the nation. It has been shown that improving nutrition during the first 1000 days of a child’s life could lead to better health outcomes, higher educational attainment and productivity later in adult life (Bhutta, 2013). Malnutrition during a child’s first two years of life could have irreversible effects on the child’s health (Bhutta, 2013). This could lead to stunting, cognitive impairment, early death and if the child reaches adulthood, difficulty in finding a job (Nabarro, 2013). The number of children and mothers suffering from malnutrition is also higher compared to individuals suffering from HIV infection. However, HIV infection could also have an impact on maternal and child health since infected mothers could transmit the virus to their unborn child (KFF, 2013). Women with HIV also suffer more stigma compared to their male co unterparts (Sandelowski et al., 2004). Recommendations and Conclusion In conclusion, the two policies discussed in this brief reveal strategies in preventing and treating malnutrition and HIV infection. Responses of developing countries to these strategies differ. Countries where communities are involved in the implementation of strategies are generally more successful in addressing these health problems. This would show that community involvement play a crucial role in the uptake of Western policies in developing countries. However, the lack of success in some countries might be attributed to the differences in the concept of ill-health between affluent and developing countries, socio-economic context of poor countries and difficulty in changing one’s health behaviour. Finally, this essay suggests that a more holistic approach should be taken in addressing the social determinants of health to ensure that children have access to nutritious food and HIV infection is prevented. References Bhutta, Z. (2013). ‘Early nutrition and adult outcomes: pieces of the puzzle [Online]. The Lancet, 382(9891), pp. 486-487. 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Saturday, September 28, 2019

The communcation gap between man and women Essay

The communcation gap between man and women - Essay Example In order to overcome difficulties in communication, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, starting from basic gender differences and social roles of men and women. Both differences in verbal and non-verbal communication should be taken into account in order to bridge communication gap between men and women. There are three decisive points that determine communication gap between opposite sexes: the way of thinking, speaking and decision making are different. The process of thinking among men is divided into sections. They consider everything properly, step by step focusing on one detail after another. Women think globally, they consider the whole things in general; they have no sections in their thinking. Men’s way of thinking can be compared with files stored on the computer: thoughts and ideas about different events are stored separately. Men don’t mix up such sections as Work, Personal relations, Hobbies etc. Thus, when a wife asks his husband to buy something on his way from work to home and he buys nothing, it means that he was concerned about his section Work. Women in their thinking combine different thoughts from different periods of their lives; they look at events in their life globally. Women try to draw parallels between different events. On this basis a lot of arguments may occur between spouses: a wife can compare her husband’s behavior with the one shown by him months ago and he may get irritated. The things different to him are equal to her. Thus sectional and global ways of thinking are two different and unique ways of thinking. Another difference occurs in the way of speaking between men and women. Men speak about facts with no details or descriptions; they speak in short phrases. Women speak in paragraphs and more concerned about details, descriptions than about facts. Women enjoy telling a story; men enjoy when they talk about facts. Therefore if you want to reach

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discuss the view presented by Nasim and Sushil (2011) that managing Essay

Discuss the view presented by Nasim and Sushil (2011) that managing change invariably involves managing paradoxes and in partic - Essay Example This view of organisation change’s reality indicates a postmodernist oncology, where change remains fluid and elusive. As a result, to understand it demands acknowledging and accepting its dynamic, fluid nature. Managing changes requires managing paradoxes through a postmodernist ontology with postconstructivist epistemology because of the existence of diverse types of changes, resistance to changes, and narratives for attaining individual and organisational changes. The paradox of change lies in the postmodernist ontology with postconstructivist epistemology. Postmodernist thinking on the study of being views reality as a combination of different ways of seeing. The study of organisational changes has intersected various concepts from diverse fields, such as child development and evolutionary biology, and yet not many scholars have integrated them in a systematic manner (van de Ven and Poole, 1995: 510). Poggie (1965: 284) remarks on the paradox of knowing reality: â€Å"A w ay of seeing is a way of not seeing.† One epistemological view of reality is one way of not seeing reality through another perspective. van de Ven and Poole (1995: 511) urge for an interdisciplinary approach to seeing the reality of organisational change: â€Å"It is the interplay between different perspectives that helps one gain a more comprehensive understanding of organisational life, because any one theoretical perspective invariably offers only a partial account of a complex phenomenon.† They promote a postmodernist view of seeing and knowing the reality of organisational change because it enriches its understanding. Furthermore, the paradox-of-change approach uses postconstructivist epistemology using competing theories to explore and to illustrate it. van de Ven and Poole (1995) offer a typology of process theories that examine how and why change happens in social or biological units. These are life cycle, teleological, dialectical and evolutionary process theor ies. These four theories stand for essentially different event chains and generative components that they called â€Å"motors† to depict the processes and causes of changes (van de Ven and Poole, 1995: 511). van de Ven and Poole (1995) stress that organisational change do not neatly fit only one of these process theories because some conditions can stimulate interdependent changes across different organisational elements. They stress the complexity of changes: â€Å"Even though each of these types has its own internal logic, complexity and the potential for theoretical confusion arise from the interplay among different motors† (van de Ven and Poole, 1995: 534). The paradox of changes arises from the reality of spontaneous effects of changes, anticipated or otherwise. Sturdy and Grey (2003) criticise the one-sided view of organisational change management (OCM) discourses that emphasise stability over changes. They offer different views of changes using discourse analysi s. They conclude the need for using different lenses in understanding changes and in attaining effective changes. Hence, this essay finds it useful to see changes from a postmodernist view of organisational reality and knowledge. The paradox of change and continuity affects different kinds and stages of changes. Managing changes in different types of changes require balancing change and continuity. Nadler and Tushman (1989) examined diverse large-scale organisational changes and provided several insights and generalisations. They reviewed

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Intercultural Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Intercultural Business Communication - Essay Example Culture can be defined as the combined programming of the mind that differentiates the member of one category of people from the other. This is always a collective phenomenon; however it can be related to different collectives. A variety of individuals belong within each collective. Considering the fact that we live in a global age where technology has brought each and every person much closer to each other than they were earlier, it has been witnessed that people belonging to different cultures are working together and henceforth are having frequent communications. This fact is of obvious interest but however, it can be frustrating at times when the thought comes to one’s mind regarding how one is supposed to relate to someone who belongs to a different culture. In what way must one start a conversion and are there any cultural taboos that one needs to know about? These are the questions that comes in one’s mind when the individual things about working or living with a nother individual of a different culture. Even after such barrier oriented questions people of different cultures are working, living and communicating with each other effectively and efficiently. Such is the diversity in culture that prevails all over the world. This shows the depth in the cultural dimensions that is witnessed all around the world. Establishing network with people all around the world is just one dimension of the cultural diversity. For the purpose of doing the same, one needs to understand the cultural differences. Psychologist Dr. Geert Hofstede came up with a theory that explained different dimensions of cultural diversity and the theories have become a standard that is recognized internationally (Hofstede, 2011). The following sections will involve a thorough analysis of the cultural-dimensional approach with reference to Hofstede’s research that will include arguments in favour of the validity and reliability of his research. Thereafter, the arguments a gainst the cultural-dimensional approach will be highlighted with reference to the notion of cultural heterogeneity and finally the researcher’s own perception regarding appropriate methodology for intercultural business communication research will be provided followed by an appropriate conclusion. 2. PART A 2.1. Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Approach A discussion on cultural dimension approach must begin with a definition of culture. The quantity of the definition of culture expounded by the scholars are simply too numerous to count and each one is having specific relevance towards understanding the various dimensions of culture. Alvesson (2000) has enlightened about 128 definitions about culture. Hofstede himself has even provided a definition of culture that reflects culture to be a crucial factor that distinguishes one group with other. He defines culture to be â€Å"the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of peop le from others†. Much attention has been placed on role of culture in shaping a business in the last few decades and it has never been that much significant as it stands today. Study on this field begun with Hofstede’s famous work on IBM in the early 80s (Arditi and Mochtar, 2000). Culture is adjudged as essential for numerous reasons related to business life. The significance becomes more visible when a business firms starts interacting with people in either forms such as employees, customers, suppliers or any other stakeholder group. Research studies related to cross culture has had most of the values and as a result of that it has succeeded to provide substances to the modern management techniques and practices. Some of the eminent cross cultural researchers such as Geert Hofstede, have to face criticism for failing to provide the valued guiding intelligence. Eminent authors such as Avolio (2007) and Barrett (1993) argues that the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Islamic Symbolism and History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Islamic Symbolism and History - Essay Example It is still contested when the emergence of Islam in the modern period started. Three historical episodes occurred in the 15th century and had an enduring impact on Islamic foundation in the modern age (Esposito, 1999): (1) the conquest of Jerusalem by Crusaders, (2) expulsion of Muslims from Spain in 1492, and (3) Islamic revolution in Iran. Under the regime of the Ottoman, approximately from the mid-15th century to the conclusion of the First World War, Islam turned into the formal religion of the Ottoman rule (Esposito, 1999). Nevertheless, because of the imperialistic thrust of European powers, Ottoman supremacy was defined in the 19th century. The Ottoman state turned to a restructuring agenda, called Tanzimat, to face this challenge (Ahmed, 2002). Under the Tanzimat, according to Esposito (1999), the Ottoman Empire modernized its economy, commerce, and military. Turkish patriotism emerged at the end of Tanzimat which became eventually an alarming dispute to the Ottoman stateâ⠂¬â„¢s Islamic foundations. In 1924, Kemal Ataturk formed the Turkish Republic which tried to restrict the presence of Islam in politics and public affairs while practicing a Westernized political and cultural rule (Ahmed, 2002). Three main phenomena were existing in the Islamic domain in the 19th century, namely, Islamic Reform, patriotism, and Imperialism (Esposito, 1999). According to Esposito (1999), patriotism in the Islamic world in the modern period emerged as a reaction to the dominance of European powers and the weakening of Islam.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

System Analysis and Design 251 Assignment Essay - 2

System Analysis and Design 251 Assignment - Essay Example d information processing provides an insufficient decision support for designing new classes and activities which would meet the the club members’ fitness goals and increase the club’s revenue. For instance, there is no easy way for the management to know which class is most popular among the members and which class contributes the most to the overall revenue generated by the club. To summarize, the current manual club management system is unable to provide an insight into the intricate financial queries that can ascertain the financial costs and identify areas of club’s financial growth. Fitness Club needs an automated information system that ensures information is stored and presented in an organized manner. Furthermore it eases the management routine tasks pertaining to the financial aspects of the organization. Since the main users of the management system are the manager and the administrators, they are the main data inputs sources of the system. The Director, Instructor and Members can not alter the state of data managed by the system. They only get their schedule information or financial reports (generated by the system) through the Administrator/Manager. The system has two active users; the Manager and Administrator, who can alter the state of data. A third passive user is the website visitor, who only views the information the site automatically displays from the company’s data store that the system

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Government of the Russian Federation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Government of the Russian Federation - Essay Example The transformation in foreign policy thinking profoundly impacted policy making and was based on the realization that the real security threat to Russia came from the deteriorating economy due to excessive military spending. Rather than applying the overt exhibition of military power, Gorbachev chose to apply political influence. He improved diplomatic relations and economic cooperation by such actions as unannounced personal appearances at public events both within and outside Soviet borders. Gorbachev charismatically utilized the world media and made political concessions in the resolution of regional conflicts and arms negotiations that were previously unimaginable under the old regime. The ‘New Thinking’ aided the Soviet Union in garnering wide approval of many nations. Its peace-making policy that released Soviet control over Eastern Europe ultimately led to the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War. Its success would entail radical changes not only in t he way the economy functions, but in social and cultural policy, in Soviet political life, and ultimately, in the way in which the Soviet Union deals with the larger international community. By-products of the ‘New Thinking,’ perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) initiated far-reaching governmental policy changes that affected virtually every aspect of Soviet life. These new concepts were a distant departure from previous Soviet practices. This discussion will focus on the building of the Russia Federation, the competing ideologies within the government along with Russia’s new approach to foreign policy and how it was designed to tie in with internal reforms. It will briefly review recent political history leading up to this new way of thinking including how such a radical departure from past procedures and policies was accomplished and the subsequent consequences this reversal of political thought inspired as well as its far-reaching

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Johnson & Johnson Diversity Plan Essay Example for Free

Johnson Johnson Diversity Plan Essay Johnson Johnson was formed in 1885 in Brunswick, New Jersey, after two brothers, James Wood and Edward Mead Johnson saw a need to develop sterile supplies for surgical procedures. During that time, doctors operated without gloves, sterile equipment and used unclean cotton from textile mills to pack the wounds so the mortality rate for surgical patients was very high. One of the first products Johnson Johnson developed was ready to use surgical dressings which to led to large reduction in surgical mortality rates. Johnson Johnson continued developing and expanding their product line and their company. In 1919, Johnson Johnson began their first international expansion. The brothers first expanded into Canada and after an around the world trip in 1923 began to develop business in many more countries. They expanded into Australia in 1931, Sweden in 1956 and Japan in 1961 (Johnson Johnson, 1997-2007). Over the next 60 years, Johnson Johnson had established companies in over 50 countries. During their international expansion, Johnson Johnson also diversified their product line. They eventually organized their operations into three main divisions; pharmaceutical, medical devices and diagnostics, and consumer products (Answers Corporation, 2007). They became well known for the talcum powder, band-aids and the pain reliever, Tylenol. In 1932, Robert Wood Johnson II, known as General Johnson succeeded his uncle to take over running Johnson Johnson. The General believed strongly in decentralization within the entire organization and all the divisions both in the United States and internationally were given authority to make their own decisions. The General was also responsible for developing the Johnson Johnson credo in 1943 and it is still in force today. The credo is defines the four primary responsibilities of the organization in their order of their importance. Johnson Johnsons first responsibility is to its customers, then to its employees, then to the community, and finally to its shareholders (Lukas, 2003). Believing and enforcing in this credo is what has made this organization what it is today and helped Johnson Johnson overcome one of the most critical times in its history when it dealt with  the Tylenol poisonings. The first priority of Johnson Johnson was then and is still today the safety of its consumers. Johnson Johnson believes in diversity of its organization, its product line and its vendors. The organization has both an Office of Global Diversity as well as a supplier diversity program (Johnson Johnson, 1997-2007). They believe encouraging diversity increases both their economic prosperity as well as benefiting each social community where they are located. By encouraging diversity throughout its entire organization, Johnson Johnson has become one of the largest global health care leaders in the world. William C. Weldon, Chairman, Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer for Johnson and Johnson sets a clear course for the diversity action plan for the company. He states in his Chairmans Message on the JJ website, how the company interacts with a diverse group of stakeholders daily and how both internal and external partnerships allow the company to more than it could on its own. With that in mind the company must create a Diversity Action Plan that allows employees to grow, develop and assume more responsibility, creating extraordinary leaders in the business sectors around the world ( Cultural NormsJJ is committed to having its own operating companies purchase goods and services from a diverse supplier base that contributes to the economic vitality of the communities in which we live and work. To achieve this goal JJ has created a Supplier Diversity Program in 1998. The intent of this program is to provide value to the company and to enhance the companys role as a health care leader throughout the world. The included in the program are: †¢Certified minority-owned businesses, small and large †¢Certified woman-owned businesses, small and large†¢Certified Small Disadvantaged Businesses†¢Small veteran-owned and service disabled veteran-owned businesses†¢Small, certified HUBZone businessesThe HUBZone Empowerment Contracting program provides federal contracting opportunities for qualified small businesses located in distressed areas. Fostering the growth of these federal contractors as viable businesses, for the long term, helps to empower communities, create jobs, and attract private investment  ( Another area the company attempts to enhance its image both in the US and around the world is through the development of Standards for Responsible External Manufacturing. These were developed to ensure the companies who do business with the company meet the same high standards of ethical behavior, product quality, and social responsibility practiced by JJ. There has to be common commitment to:†¢comply with applicable legal requirements,†¢behave ethically and with integrity,†¢integrate quality into business processes,†¢treat people with dignity and respect,†¢promote the safety, health and well-being of employees,†¢operate in an environmentally responsible manner, and†¢implement management systems to ensure ongoing performance and continual improvement (JJ, 2006) These values and practices are determined through a vigorous benchmarking process for which any potential manufacturing partner must meet before becoming associated with the JJ Family of Companies. There is a two-fold advantage to this process. The first is it allows potential partners the opportunity to understand the values that drive the organization as well as providing them with a template for the sustainability the JJ Company has demonstrated. In addition, the high standards set by the company are not compromised by external manufacturing partners that could damage the JJ image. To maximize their diverse workforce, the company has a vision statement in place that allows the company to maximize the benefits. The following is the companys vision statement:The Johnson Johnson Family of Companies will realize this vision by:†¢Fostering inclusive cultures that embrace our differences and drive innovation to accelerate growth;†¢Achieving skilled, high performance workforces that are reflective of the diverse global marketplace;†¢Working with business leaders to identify and establish targeted market opportunities for consumers across diverse demographic segments; and†¢Cultivating external relationships with professional, patient and civic groups to support business priorities. The statement allows the diverse workforce by utilizing the vision statement by including the companys belief (Credo). The credo, Latin for I believe,  guides the company to the responsibilities as they relate to customers, employees, community and shareholders. The responsibilities are as follows:To our customers: we will embrace diversity in order to respect, understand and meet their varying health care needs. To our employees: we will ensure a diverse and inclusive workplace, offer merit-based opportunities for employment and advancement and provide the necessary resources to develop our next generation of leaders. To our communities: we will recognize opportunities to improve economic and human health care in the areas in which we live and work. To our shareholders: we will oppose acts of intolerance and be mindful of the positive impact that diversity and inclusion have on our businesses. JJ over the years has continuously looked toward technology to play key role in JJs strategic initiatives. The different approaches to productivity have varied throughout the years. Many factors contribute to the productivity and success of the JJ Company. Technology has played an important role in JJs ability to remain competitive and to continuously innovate. It is through technology that JJs management team is able to refine processes, collaborate, innovate, and increase the productivity of the organization in todays dynamic business environment that is changing continuously. The success of these companies is attributed to all the successful mergers and acquisitions that have taken place throughout JJ history. Many of these companies were opened due to successful mergers that allowed JJ to develop new products and offer them in different markets throughout the world. The successful organization of the products JJ offers allows JJ to successfully merge with other companies to gain additional control over the industry. The result of this Credo is a healthy bottom line that is socially responsible. JJ history of philanthropy through partnering with other  companies from around the world has created programs dedicated to providing needed services over the long term. JJ does not have a mission statement because the ethical principals listed in the Credo drive the company. The customer first philosophy insures the needs of the customer are met. Another principal outlined in the Credo is the dedication to producing a high quality product. Through this set of values the company has developed a trust with the consumers of their products. Trust develops into a reputation of integrity that in turn provides the company with a basis for business strategies. This ethical high road approach is a proven winner in this function. Problem solving involves many departments and many steps. Technology plays an integral part in JJs ability to innovate, perform research and development, and manage the logistics associated with the distribution of a product during the products lifecycle. JJ defines diversity as a variety of similar and different characteristics among people, including age, gender, race, religion, national origin, physical ability, sexual orientation, thinking style, background and all other attributes that make each person unique. Although some differences may not be obvious as others, Johnson Johnson strives to understand and remove barriers that one may face due to these differences. Johnson Johnson utilizes these differences to create a working environment where their employees can thrive. JJ believes that diversity helps the interaction between people as well as inspiring innovation. JJ is committed to the practice of their global diversity vision which they use to identify their key, future objectives while guiding the fulfillment of their commitments to their customers, employees, the global community and their shareholders. Johnson Johnson supports various educational opportunities such as Diversity University and Affinity Groups. JJs Diversity University provides an internal, full range of Diversity e-learning courses, diversity best practice information, and is a comprehensive diversity resource and database for employees. Affinity Groups are voluntary, employee-driven groups that are organized around a particular  shared interest or dimension. These groups have been initiated by employees and usually focus on a shared interest or characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Each groups main intent is to create an open forum for idea exchange and to strengthen the linkage to and within diverse communities. The successful leadership of the workers and the quick safety decisions that have had to be made, for example the recall of 264,000 bottles of Tylenol in 1982 and then a second recall in 1986, have made JJ a reputable name that many have grown to know and trust. References Answers Corporations. 2007. Johnson Johnson. Retrieved June 27, 2007 from Johnson. Global Diversity Its All of Us. Retrieved June 30, 2007 from;jsessionid=EGT3V0ZLGAFE0CQPCCFWU2YKB2IIWTT1Johnson Johnson (2007). Supplier Diversity Program. Retrieved July 2, 2007 from Johnson (2006). Sustainability Report. Retrieved July 4, 2007 from Johnson. 1997-2007. Our Company. Retrieved June 26, 2007 from with Diversity The New York Times. Retrieved June 29, 2007, P. (2003, April). Johnson Johnson. FSB: Fortune Small Business. Vol.13, Iss. 3; pg. 91. Retrieved June 26, 2007 from ProQuest database. (2007). HUBZone Empowerment Contracting program. Retrieved July 5, 2007 from Diversity Vision Statement, Retrieved 06/29/07 from company Credo, Retrieved on 06/29/07 from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social psychology Essay Example for Free

Social psychology Essay Thesis: Stereotypes have many negative effects such as inducing a discriminative movement, having an impact on the psychological identity of a person, and leading to prejudices. I. Stereotypes may induce a discriminative movement. A. Fat persons are not hired in some companies. B. Stereotypes tend to prevent people from learning real facts about an individual. C. Generalizations can induce false accusations. II. Stereotypes may have an impact on the psychological identity of a person. A. A little boy who grows up in a minority group restrains his own achievements because of negative stereotypes about his group. B. The persons in a minority group tend to fall into an unsafe or negative behavior. C. Stereotypes can promote success in the majority of groups. D. An individual can feel lost as he or she doesn’t match the stereotype attributed to the group. III. Stereotypes lead to prejudices. A. All Arab people are considered as dangerous. B. The media provides a lot of negative images about Arab people. C. The negative images may prevent friendship. People are All the Same Soren Kierkegaard said once: â€Å"Once you label me you negate me. † Indeed, people tend to judge all the time the people that they consider different from them. Our brains are simply wired to stereotype others by some basic generalizations. People categorize the persons every day by race, gender, religion, ethnic background, and so on. However, it is when people overuse these generalizations that the danger can appear. Stereotypes have many negative effects such as inducing a discriminative movement, having an impact on the psychological identity of a person, and leading to prejudices. First, stereotypes may induce a discriminative movement. A good example is when any company wants to hire a fat person. Indeed, these companies focus only on the physique of the person who is applying for the job instead of looking at his or her real skills. The physique of the fat person acts as an obstacle to the other persons. In other words, it stops people from learning real facts about the subjected individual. People usually see the fat persons as lazy, not healthy, incompetent, or even as handicapped. This generalization allows people to believe that fat persons don’t have a legal right to be hired when in fact, they do have this right. Also, based on other negative generalizations, people may be accused for example for criminal facts without having any credible proof. As Alane Michaelson explained in his essay ‘stereotyping Consequences,’ they tend to accuse them just because of their race, their religion, or any other characteristic that make them belonging to another social group. Thus, discrimination is one of the greatest risks associated with stereotypes. Second, stereotypes may have an impact on the psychological identity of a person. When a little boy grows up in a minority group where the people are always seen as incompetent, he may start to believe on these critics and, consequently, start to restrain his own achievements unconsciously. Hearing perpetual stereotypes about a group may cause the persons belonging to this group to believe that all the stereotypes that are said out by the minority group are true. Therefore, as Julie Moore mentioned is her article ‘The Effects of Stereotyping,’ the persons in minority tend to fall into an unsafe or negative behavior. Consequently, children cannot grow up properly with all these stereotypes that surround them in their daily life. However, the impact on the identity of the individual can have an opposite effect when it comes to positives stereotypes in the majority groups. In this case, instead of limiting their achievements, people improve their skills until they reach the generalized fact. In this manner, these people will feel that they are â€Å"true† participants in the group as they fit to the stereotype. In contrast, some people may also feel not appropriate to the group that they belong as they don’t belong to the stereotype attributed tothe gr oup. Thus, generalizations made about a group can have an important impact on the identity of the persons belonging to this group. Third, stereotypes lead to prejudices. In her article ‘The Effect of Stereotyping,’ Julie Moore explains an example that is related more or less to the main idea of the first paragraph: when a white female person doesn’t approach an Arab person who is next her as she believes that all Arab persons are dangerous. Thus, the female judges before meeting or speaking with the man. Obviously, this prejudice doesn’t come from nowhere; it is actually partly the result of the media effect that tends to throw a lot of negative images about the Arabian people. They always project images of Arab with weapons in a manner to show to the world that they are dangerous. Also, because of these negative prejudices that people usually make, building relationship with new friends can often be a big obstacle. If the white woman knew that the Arab man was in fact a rich famous surgeon in America, she would directly establish a conversation with him. Thus, prejudices can often lead to surprised result. Yet another example related to prejudices is Brent Staples’ experiences. Through his essay ‘Night Walker,’ the black man explains how people, especially girls, are afraid of him when he walks behind them in a dark and empty street because of his skin color and the way he dresses. Consequently, while stereotypes appear as a natural fact and help people to understand certain groups as a whole, they don’t include and allow individual differences. By creating stereotypes, people promote more discrimination, prejudices, and a significant impact on the individual’s identity. Therefore, to prevent all these negative effect of stereotypes, people should take into consideration that even if every individual belongs to a certain group, it doesn’t mean that a person is like all the other members of the group. People should dare to approach the persons that are different than them by letting go the negative images and learning about each other as special individuals. Finally, creating relationship with people that are totally different would be like a benefit that may lead to a rich and interesting life. Works cited Aronson, Joshua, â€Å"The Impact of Stereotypes. † BU Today. Science Tech. 28 Mar. 2008. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. Michaelson, Alane, â€Å"Stereotyping Consequences. † eHow. Culture Society. 13 Jun. 2010. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. Moore, Julie, â€Å"The Effect of Stereotyping. † Mental health. Yahoo. 4 May 2007. Web. 13 Apr. 2013. Staples, Brent. â€Å"Night Walker. † The Short Prose Reader. Ed. Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener. 13th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill 2013. 220-23. Print.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human Resource Activities at McDonalds

Human Resource Activities at McDonalds Under this recruitment and selection policy, each restaurant is responsible to recruit hourly paid Positions and management recruitment department in East Finchley, London co-ordinates for recruiting the manager positions. McDonalds UK has own recruitment team who initially invite applicants for interview by assessing the online base exam. This team is working efficiently to find out right people with right skill at right time. McDonalds uses best method to fill their current vacancies such as Crew Member, Customer Care Assistant, Manager, etc. All vacancies are advertised on their own website, . Also it recruits people by the help of local job centre and agencies. People, who interest to a particular position, have to create an account on this website after that by searching suitable vacancies he/she can apply by initial online psychometric test. This test procedure is an initial score. Person who cannot access the internet for them McDonalds has direct hotline. In this process suitable applicants are sent e-mail for interview and OJE (on job evaluation) at that restaurant where applicant applied. This assessment is being assessed for two days by Business Manager. Candidate, who successfully completes the OJE, is invited for final interview after that Manager decides whether or not to hire the applicant. Then all the successful applicants are invited for induction. On the day of induction person have to show documents that s/he is allow working in the UK according to Asylum and immigration Act 1996. And on this day employees are shown some video slide regarding McDonalds, which are given bellow. Job roles Food hygiene and safety training Policies and procedure Employee Benefits Training and development After that new employee are sent to restaurant to meet with trainee. McDonalds operates three weeks probationary period. In this time employees are assessed according to performance and are either retain or have their employment terminated. Objectives of Recruitments and Selection McDonalds recruits dynamic and talent people to meet with customers satisfaction and keep their reputation at high position. To fill up vacancies for running business. To ensure equal opportunity. Motivation and Employee benefits People are important resource of an organisation. Motivation is a process by which employees are influenced to achieve the organisational objectives. Nowadays experienced managers realise that financial reward cannot be the only kind of motivation because some people like money, some like personality. Management of McDonalds emphasise on three components to motivate the people such as financial, non financial encourage, and social policy. Maslows motivation theory includes all this factors. Maslow states that all the needs must be fulfilled one after another. McDonalds allows the all employees to participate in the decision making and Restaurant Manager select the employee of the month by assessing performance of the employee in a month then s/he is rewarded  £25. Also Manager inspires employees for working fast. Employee benefits are given below: Saving with employee discount: All employees get discount on purchase from over 1600 retailers in the UK. Maternity leave/Pay. Open door policy: Committed to all employees so they enjoy career with McDonalds. Crew room PC and internet facility. Every one opinion is valued. Objectives of Motivation To achieve the organisational goals. To get best service from employee. To recognise the performance of employee. Training and Development Each restaurant of McDonalds promises to deliver high standards of service and cleanliness to customers. Management of McDonalds believe that well trained employee can deliver these standards. McDonalds provides comprehensive training program for all employees. It allows the merit based promotion. Welcome meeting is the first stage of training. At restaurant crew trainers work shoulder to shoulder with trainees while they learn the operational skill necessary for running each of the 11 work starting in each restaurant, from the front counter to the grill area. All employees are developed by the effective training so that they can serve the customers quickly, operate equipments and learn McDonalds operational procedure. Most of the training at McDonalds is floor based or on job training because this procedure is very effective to develop them. People learn more and more likely retain information if they physically. McDonalds provides an initial training periods for all new employee, h ere every employee learn how they can develop their skills. Also it has effective crew development program. Also it has e-learning system for all employees. For e-learning employee can access This company provides management develop program which are divided into four: a) Shift Management, b) System Management, c) Restaurant Leadership, d) Business Most departments in the regional office offer restaurant managers opportunities to second to work in the regional office. This gives experienced manager the opportunity to develop and learn new skills. Objectives of Training and Development To improve the performance of employee. To integrated with human resource management practice. To meet with current change. How human resource activities are achieved McDonalds achieves the above mentioned activities by its experienced, talent and dynamic restaurant managers. Still recruitment process of McDonalds is best in fast food world because of on job evaluation. Moreover, McDonalds provides on job training to develop the employees and allow equal opportunity to all employees for achieving the organisational goal. Theoretical models of human resource management Human resource strategy is generally behaviour based. There are lots of human resource models associated with such processes: The Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna model The Harvard Model The Warwick model Guests model etc The Fombrun, Tchy and Devanna model of HRM This earliest human resource management model is developed by Fombrun et al (1984). This model emphasizes the interrelatedness and the coherence of human resource management activities. In this model there are four key components: selection, appraisal, development and reward (Fig: 1). these four human resource management activities aims to increase the organisational performance. This model has been criticised as being too simplistic because it only focuses on four components. It also ignores stake holder interest, situational factors and notion of managements strategic choice. McDonalds follows all activities of this model to get best performance from employees. But McDonalds considers other factors, such as situational factor, stake holder interest and so on, to keep their position at top. The Harvard model This model was developed by Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills and Walton in 1984. This model contains six components; stakeholders interests, Situational factors, Human resource management policy choices, Human resource outcomes, Long term consequences and a feedback loop (Fig: 2). Stakeholder interest can persuade the employee performance. Situational factors are environmental factors which influence managements choice of human resource strategy. HRM policy choices emphasises that managements decisions and action take into account both constraints and choices. HR outcome identifies specific employee behaviours which are considered desirable including commitment and high individual performance leading to cost-effective products or services. There is a basic assumption that human being possess talents that are really used at work and that they show a desire experience growth through work. Long term consequences take three perspectives into account: The individual well being Organisational effectiveness Social well being The feedback loop reflects how HRM policy choices are affected by stakeholder interest and environmental factors and how both are influenced by HR outcomes. This model has gained some popularity in the UK but also some criticism in that it identifies desirable HR outcomes that may not have universal appeal as they generally assume an American view of success. Task 2 HR planning and development Traditional definitions and approaches to man power planning tended to delimit and define it as a central personnel activity which attempts to reconcile an organisations need for labour with available supply in local and international labour markets. In essence, manpower planners initially seek to estimate their current and future employment needs and, like the analogy sometimes made with the practice of navigation, uses scientific method in applying his knowledge and skills. Within the limit of equipment available, in order to establish first his position and then his best possible course and speed, with a view to arriving at a chosen destination by the most suitable route. (Smith 1976 : 16). Every organisation have own model for human resource planning and development. Strategy planning model is very important to keep the organisation reputation at best place and meet with the organisational goals. Here I would like to write about the planning models of a McDonalds restaurant. The basic HR planning model Here in this model (Fig: 3) steps 1 and 5 is strategic human resource planning. Restaurant Manager plans to achieve the organisational objectives. Under this model manager forecast and analyze feasible. And steps 2, 3 and 4 is operational human resource planning such as requirements of human resource and human resource program are designed around what organisational goal. This program analyzes the effectiveness and efficiency of initiatives managed by the human resource department including compensation, benefits, training, staffing etc. In McDonalds restaurant employees are very happy with various benefits example for employee discount card, holyday payment and so on. This model is very effective because all planning is designed for achieving organisational objectives. According to this model manager can analyze on probability of future requirements. The best fit HR planning model This model (Fig: 3) involves on new product line, developing staff, recruitment to meet with new objectives of organisation. McDonalds every year opening new branches in the UK. Managers of McDonalds may apply this planning model to perform their human resource activities. This is the unique planning model for human resource management, which covers all activities from installation of an organisation to its objectives. This model is very effective model for long term and short term human resource planning because it discuss on labour requirement, availability and feasibility. Forecasting demand and supply model In some cases demand and supply of human resources can be forecasted. Here demand means the number and character (abilities, pay levels and skills) of employees needed for a particular job, a particular time and a particular place. Human resource supply means the number of people who are available for particular job. In terms of McDonalds, there are lots of international student are working as a part-time employee. After finishing their study some students leave the UK and some students get post study work permit that is why McDonalds has employee turnover like other organisation. For this reason administration of McDonalds takes strategic planning to reduce employee turnover and recruit employees. According to demand forecasting administration predicts who will leave the job and create vacancies, which job will be eliminated and which one will be created. This model is very effective, if any organisation follows this model, it will not face with any problem about employee shorter. McDonalds may use this model that is why it can fill up vacancy at right time with right skills. Task 3 Performance Performance management is a part of human resource function and one of the key processes that helps the employees know that their contribution are recognised. Performance management is continues process of communication between supervisor and employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the organisational goals. This process includes clarifying expectation, setting goals, identifying goals, providing feedback and evaluating result. HR performance management at McDonalds Restaurant McDonalds has effective motivation system to improve the employees performance. At McDonalds restaurant performance management are operated by restaurant manager. In each restaurant manager is responsible for monitoring employees performance. This process is continues throughout the year, restaurant manager select employee of the month according to employees performance within a month. After that, employee of the month is awarded by restaurant manager. And he/she is given  £ 25 reward. And manager selects employee of the quarter. Then employee progress to operation manager. Moreover, manager arranges CSO (customer satisfaction opportunity) competition among different teams within the restaurant and among restaurant as well for monitoring performance. Furthermore, overall performance of restaurant is monitored by GAPbuster on monthly basis. Here, GAPbuster is a person who has good knowledge in the field of customer experienced management. In each month GAPbuster visits restaurant as a customer to check quality of food, how friendly the employee, accuracy of service, service time and cleanliness. According to these points GApbuster scores to the restaurant. This process is very effective because all employees within this organisation try to do best to be employee of the month and managers are always monitor the performance of staff to get 100 percent score from GAPbuster. Being a Crew Member of McDonalds, I know that manager and supervisor always communicate with all employees to know about their needs. In restaurant we work together as a team and manager always gives hands to any employee. In my opinion, if this process was weekly basis, performance of employees would be better than the current process. Conclusion Being a Crew Member of McDonalds restaurant in Archway, London, I found some positive activities such as employee relation, recruitment process, training system, motivation system and team work, at restaurant, which may keep the McDonalds at top position. Managers are very friendly with employees to solve any difficulty in work. Manager shares all things with the employees by arranged regular basis meeting. And restaurant manager wish the birth day to all employees and arrange party on various occasions. In short manager to Crew all work together to get customers satisfactions and achieve the organisational goals. Recommendation McDonalds always tries to do best for its employees. Yet, I have some recommendations regarding human resource management in McDonalds restaurant. It is seen that most of the restaurant managers have no first degree. McDonalds should recruit people, who have at least first degree on business management for manager post. Moreover, In the UK based McDonalds restaurant, employees ages less than 22 are given  £ 4.87 per hour and age 22+ are given  £5.82 per hour but all employees contribute same for McDonalds. My last recommendation, all employees should be given same wages.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Seamus Heaney Essay -- English Literature

Seamus Heaney Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 in Northern Ireland into a rural farming family. The family where Catholic, living in a predominantly Protestant area of the country. I can relate to this as I come from South Africa where the tension between the black and white people is high, this has helped me to choose my first poem "Docker". The second poem I am going to analyse is "Follower" which tells the story of a young boy who grows up admiring his dad but as time ticks by, things change and people age. The third and final poem I will analyse is "Digging" which also is about a young lad who admires his dad for his skill, but feels bad because he isn't as skilled as his father is and therefore chooses to dig with his pen in the form of poetry. The poem Docker starts off with "there, in the corner" from this it can be seen that the man is a lonely man who does not want to be bothered, all he is doing is staring at his drink. "Speech clamped in the lips, vice" this use of metaphor indicates that he is a anti social person with the word "vice" once again describing the mans power and strength. The Docker is then described as a hard and tough man, "Cowling plated forehead and sledge head jaw" because he is compared with very hard objects, such as a sledge head which is made out of steel. "That fist would drop a hammer on a Catholic" this verse is of a violent nature which confirms the Docker as a violent aggressive man who clearly does not like Catholics. The mans dislike for Catholics is emphasised even more in the following verse "The only Roman collar he tolerates, smiles all round his sleek pint of porter". From this it can be said that even the white foam made by his beer reminds him of Cath... "I wanted to grow up and plough" this proves that like with all little boys, he wanted to be just like his dad when he grows up. He follows his father all round the farm "In his broad shadow" which again describes the mans huge build and strength. In this poem, the first five stanzas represent the past, whereas the last stanza represents the present. "I was a nuisance, tripping and falling" The boy, who is now a man, comes to realise he was clumsy and unskilful who was always bothering his father "Yapping always". "But today" is the main contrast between past and present, "It is my father who keeps stumbling behind me and will not go away" His father has obviously aged and become enfeebled while his son has now grown up and become more powerful and skilful than what his father is. It is his father who follows him around now and will not go away.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Symbol and Allegory :: essays research papers fc

The use of symbol in poetry and in literature as a whole is commonplace because it is an outlet for the author’s creative psyche. A symbol is a creative use of metaphor, using a comparison but not just a direct comparison. The author attempts to achieve the effect that there is much more than just the reader’s initial reaction creating a want to delve deeper into the true meaning, leaving a vast space of interpretation. Allegory on the other hand is a specific comparison, a symbol that is set in its meaning. This would point towards the absolute meaning of the comparison the poet or author was trying to convey (in other words, a parallel). I have chosen the E.E. Cummings poem â€Å"l(a† because it not only encompasses the idea of symbolism through its need for interpretation, but also due to its simple beauty, creating a visual image of a leaf falling. Edward Estlin Cummings was born on October 14, 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in his family’s home, within an extremely short distance of Harvard (Dreams 9). His word usage and literary abilities were garnered at a young age from his parents. His father Edward was a professor (in fact, the first professor of sociology at Harvard) and a Unitarian minister and his mother Rebecca utilized reading poetry and stories to her children. His father’s strong voice and use of wordplay from his sermons and his mother’s encouragement for E.E. to keep a diary starting at age five started to shape his craft at an early age (Revisited 11). Rebecca aspired for her son to be the next Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (the Cummings family lived across the street from the Longfellow home before E.E. was born) (Dreams 19). Edward Estlin was also a cubist painter in addition to being a poet. During World War I, E.E. Cummings was an ambulance driver in France and was imprisoned under the p retense of treason (Poets.Org). The experience led to one his more important works, The Enormous Room. Around the time of writing â€Å"l(a† E.E. Cummings health was in a very poor state. The poetry reading tours he took part in were furthering his terrible stomach problems in which he had been suffering from around 1955-56 (Dreams 459). In late 1957, his stomach ailments came to a head when a bleeding polyp was discovered in his colon. He spent his sixty-third birthday in a hospital bed and then spent six months in recovery while his â€Å"wife† Marion (of whom he was never actually married to) was in New York (Dreams 461).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kinship System in Foraging and Horticultural

I have chosen to write about the San Tribe because their ways are very intriguing to me. The San or also known as the â€Å"Bushman†, are located in the Kalahari Desert. These tribes have lived in this area for around four thousand years. They have a diet of primarily nuts, fruits, melons, and berries. Since their women gather about eighty per-cent of the food for their unit there is more of these fruits and other things than there is meat. Their men gather meat about once or twice a week and accountable for about twenty per-cent of the food which is meat of some kind. San is a group of people who know how to enjoy their lives since only gathering food two or three times a week they spend the rest of their time on leisure activities. These activities could include any of the following, visiting one another or just sleeping. (Lee, 1979) When you do not have to get more and more you can enjoy what you have and not have to over work yourself and it would have to b4e more comfortable for your body with less strain and worry. The San is a Ban society and their livelihood comes from foraging, which is hunting and gathering what they require to survive. These Nomadic tribes of kin people travel over the land year after year to prime locations for known where they gather food and water and not only do they survive they are a thriving community. They travel in small independent communities that break apart and then rejoin other members at different times. They tend to live in the most marginal environment in the world. Their community is a reciprocal unit in the fact that they have an exchange economical system. Among the kinship group, there is a form of giving of services and goods in a mutual agreed upon atmosphere. This is not only among the family unit but also by the completely camp residents and visitors alike share in the quantity of food available equally. The collectors distribute the food in either a raw or a prepared portion and then distributed around to each. You can find a constant flow of nut, berries roots as well as melons around the fireplaces of each resident all given to meet the standard of equality (1969a’p. 58). This foraging system is an immediate return system; they must consume to stop spoilage. Woodburn, 1988) It is also a way to prevent a large amount of produce from remaining in the event of there moving about, as they tend to move constantly. This foraging system works because even as they give without expectation of exchange or immediate return there is an unwritten rules that all has even in the event there is no kill by some of the parties on a certain day. There are some times when hunters can go weeks without a kill and they must rely on the hunters that h ave luck in those times. Even though San men are widely skilled at hunting there can be different level of success but this does not have a status level on it for anyone as far as being accepted. There is a great deal of modesty in the village as the hunters return to camp upon a successful hunt. The hunter coming into camp does not give off an atmosphere of bragging; in fact, it is to the contraire. There are unspoken rules followed by the hunter as well as the others. This keeps one from feeling inferior or superior to another bringing forth feelings of jealousy. This also brings a reinforcement of social ties and helps to be closer knitting together of family units. You could also feel safer in the event a family member is hurt or was to become ill and could not provide their part of the food for a while.. Well I am afraid in comparison to our society there is not a great deal to say is the same as foraging. We here are more likely to let those that will not work go hungry. Of course, we have the welfare system and food pantries that do make it easier for those who do not have to get food. However, we do not work on the general idea of every one being equal those that work harder have more. The more you apply your self the more you have. We also do have leaders that can make us do things whether we want to or not. The seat belt law is an example of this. As far as kinship in our family my children and grandchildren would be considered one that I personally would share anything I have with but not all in our family feels this way. We are in a dog eat dog society and I fear it has rubbed off on most everyone. I believe if you do not work for it, you do not get it and I have tried to teach my family these same rules to live by. However, we do tend to do for our own kin folk first in taking care of them. We look out for our immediate family in providing for them and making sure, they have what they need. I remember as a child we lived in the city and my mothers family (brothers, sisters and some of their children would come and stay with us and we would help them get a job and get started. Dad owned an apartment house so they could stay in one of our apartments and we would feed them until they could do for themselves. Rules followed now are less kinship in our society in this present time.